You Create Your Own Reality, according to your thoughts, emotions and beliefs.
You are an important part of the universe.
You will survive physical death and continue to exist in other realities.
You have been born into physical reality to learn, to grow, to enjoy, and to materialize the great joy and spontaneity of your being.
Everyone and every creature on this planet is connected.
We are all manifestations of ALL THAT IS and we are all family.
GOD (All THAT IS), the universal spirit, the universal intelligence, cares for you and supports you REGARDLESS of what religion you believe in.
We are supposed to learn to EXPAND our consciousness and become aware of our GREATER IDENTITY, our ETERNAL SOUL.
ALL TIME IS SIMULTANEOUS. Time as we experience it is a camouflage.
We each have access to AWESOME AMOUNTS OF ENERGY. We are being trained on how to use this energy skillfully, wisely and responsibly. We are learning how to become responsible co-creators with ALL THAT IS.
One of the most imporant skills to master is learning how to handle beliefs, thoughts, emotion and imagination. Whatever beliefs, thoughts and emotions you habitually focus on will be materialized in your reality.