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Audio Clip 1: (transcript of audio clip follows) From The Seth Audio Collection, Volume 1, Tape 2, Selection 1, Excerpt E (12th line): You form your experience. (...long pause...) You form your past, your present, and your future. You are responsible for each daily moment, individually and en masse. En masse, your beliefs bring about the world conditions that you know. Individually, they form your intimate daily life. As I have told you before, in a manner of speaking, you are given the gifts of the gods. Your beliefs become reality. What you believe IS, and becomes real in your experience. There are no other answers. There is no area in your life to which this does not apply. Audio Clip 2: (transcript of audio clip below) From Seth Audio Clips, Volume 1, Tape 24 Page 2-3: You make your own reality: your dreaming reality, your waking reality, and all realities in which you have existence. There are no accidents. Your joys come from you, and your successes, and your failure, or what you think of as failure...
Additional Seth quotes on creating your own reality:From Seth Class, Saturday, February 3, 1970: If you realize that you create your physical reality through your own thoughts and desires , then you have learned the most important aspects of reality. This is what you have been setting out to do in your other lives, in your past existences. The realization of these truths nullifies any so-called debts from other lives. When you realize this, and act upon it, there is no reason for you to come back here again unless you want to. Any of your difficulties in past lives were caused because you did not realize these basic truths. Seth Speaks, Session 519: Three-dimensional experience is an invaluable place of training. Seth, Session 614: You are in physical existence to learn and understand that your energy, translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, causes all experience. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Seth Class, May 20, 1969: You must understand the nature of reality before you can manipulate within it intelligently and well. In this environment and in physical reality, you are learning -- you are supposed to be learning -- that your thoughts have reality, and that you create the reality that you know. When you leave this dimension, then you concentrate upon the knowledge that you have gained. If you still do not realize that you create the reality that you know, then you return and again you learn to manipulate and again and again you see the results of your own inner reality as you meet it objectified. You teach yourself the lesson until you have learned it. And when you have learned it, then you have begun to learn how to handle the consciousness that is yours intelligently and well. Seth Class, November 21, 1972: ...for the very point of physical existence is that you realize that your thoughts become matter while you are here. The Unknown Reality, Session 742, Notes 1: You are meant to judge physical reality. You are meant to realize that it is a materialization of your thoughts and feelings and images, that the inner self forms that world. In your terms, you cannot be allowed to go into other dimensions until you have learned the great power of your thoughts and subjective feelings. |